All we actually want ... is just a reflection of the desire of more and more and more … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

There are people that want money.

Others ... sex, or extreme sports ... or career ... but in the end if you analyze them and try to define their lives ... we see that they are always dominated by the desire of more.

And it’s not that we have desires ... but we have an illusory need of increasing the dose all the time.

We can’t see the addiction ... no matter what we do ... and it is funny cause if someone would dare to compare us with a person that has a drug addiction and is taking more and more drugs ... till the day he dies because of that ... we would feel ofended of the comparison.

And we see that we get for real almost all of our desires ... being happy for not more than 15 minutes ... actually living the victory of 15 minutes, which becomes the expression of the volatility of our times.

The desire itself is volatile ... and once we have it ... we just


want more and more ... and we can’t really understand how things work.

All that is satisfying us is the fact that we can chaise for more and more ... and nothing stops us.

The problem is that the gap between where we are and where we want to be .... is actually a balance of contradictory emotions.

We want that something ... that looks almost impossible ... but still we want it so much that we accept to have all the necessary sacrifices, forgetting that on this journey .... the sacrifices will never bring joy to us ... but pain, misery ... and an illusory hope that life will be different somewhere in the future.

The price of getting all that we actually want and accepting the philosophy of more as a philosophy of life ... just because we are beings dominated by desires ... makes us live ... always being on a journey to a pathless path.

We can’t accept that behind the desire there is actually a volatile happiness that can satisfy our self ... just for a short period of time.

Is too much to believe that we actually spend our lives chasing the illusion behind the desire ... and on this road we need to see the self tortured by all types of emotions.

The balance of emotions ... defines everything really life is for us ... but we can’t see a way out from this illusory trap.

We just accept the misery of being unhappy .... believing and hoping that having all those desires for real ... is the cure for 


getting rid of ugly vibes and the start of a journey to a beautiful life.

But the truth is ... we can’t see the real values of life.

Blinded by all the influences around us ... we just continue life ... in the same way a blind person is walking in the real life.

So ... is there any final destination?!

It’s maybe too much to say that to be happy for real and not chaise for volatility ... we need to change our values ... and then life will change for real.

And the real trick might be ... enjoy the journey and forget thinking so much of the final destination.


Download the book ”The dance of our emotions is a ... nonsense ... but a main part of our lives” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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